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Applications Of Computer And Technology

Applications Of Computer And Technology
Applications Of Computer And Technology
Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the users and processes it
under the control of set of instructions(Called Program)gives the result(output) and saves it For the
future use.
An application is a program designed to perform a specific function directly for the users or in same
cases for another application,web browser,drawing,print etc.
Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools prossing actions and extracting of materials.


Basically we knows,Education is the wish,hopeful and respectful cultivation of learning undertaken in the
belief that all should have the chance to share in life.so,book is helping us for learning.But all kinds of
books we couldnot collect in the time.It’s impossible for a single man.but time is changed.Computer and
Technology are changed our educational system.Now we can learn and needs maney kind of book are
available in computer.Now we Can learn famous writters book and blogs and needs book to read in
online.Huge advantace of computer for educational sector.There are quick communication between
students,teachers and parents,quick data processing,Guidance purposes,Testing and evalution,Intenact
are done useing aplications.


A computer has high speed of calculation,diligence,accuracy reliability or versatilty which made it an
intergrated part in all business.All of business side now computeriest.There are e-commerce,mobile
banking,i-banking etc.E-commerce is a transaction of buying or selling online.We can shopping in
online.Job order,business-to-business and selling etc .We can do.Mobile banking makes our money safly
and when money need we can cass and risk.people send their money in account and when money need
they can use and send other people.


Now day is changing .We are useing computer for agriculture.Wheather Prediction which time whose
crops are growing rain and sunny time we can know with computer easily.record keeping in the field
farmers are useing many thinks and daily report collect and finally report analisis.The communication of
inform is an important part of the agriculture domain.every fermers sare there comments and
agriculture officers collect there speace and many things so that they can research it and develope
seeds,wapon ,medicen etc.E-agriculture is a community of people devoted tp the exchange of
information and information and ideas to work towards rural and agriculture development.

Health Care

Computer and it’s technology changed all of health care system.Only computer and technology can do it
without oparation destroying bad cells ,tumor etc.It’s supports not only the routine applications of an
HIS including ADJ.Order Entry/Charge capture.For complex issues,computer work stations can intergete
and use patient recods,knowledge databases and research plans.If any man suddenly fill uneasy he/she
can communicate easily with doctors.Recently many of health care apps are avilable in play store and
online store.Patient without going in doctor chamber .Can show his reports and sectuation.So,we can
easily get highly treatment and advises of health care with computer and it’s technology.


E-governance can be defined as the use of information and communication by goverment to enhance
the range,quality of information and servies provided to the citizen in an cost effective manner.Now


rafers to many other thinks use of information technologyies that have the ability to
transform technologies relations with peoples.Business and other arm of goverment . These
technologies can serve better delivery of goverment services to citizenz.Thus egovernances will result in
inproved transparency,speedy information dissemination ,higher administrative efficiency and improved
public services in sectores including transportation.education,power,health,water,security and the state
addministration and municipal.


Today computer are used in a variety of areas for entertainment purposes.The technology is used for
streaming and wathing videos,listening to downloads of music,playing videos games and keeping track of
one’s location during camping or hiking trips.GPS tracking deviecs are frequently used for nature
walks,locating golf balls or finding locations for resturants and vacation sites.it’s help us our refressment.


Computer are usefull for communicating around the world as a result of the Internet.The Internet is a
worldwide collection of large and small networks which allos users to communicate.Different networks
around the world connect to the Internet to form large,inter connected networks.For examples
facebook,Skype,Email,Twitter,What’s app,Viber,Blog,Youtube etc.It’s can do easier our life with frist

Military And defence services

The development of computing and the military have have always been tighty kint.In fact,early
development of computer was done in order to incracese the military potential of most armies in the
world.Today computers are used for communication and wapons guidence is most armies.The fact that
newer and safer ways of enganging in wars are being aought may mean that the uses of computers in
the army is likely to increase in the future.

Scientific Research

Computer have changed the ways in which scientific resarch is compiled and analyed.scientists,engineers
and researchs alike are able to compile vast amounts of data and leave it to the computer to work
through the data while focousing on another area of the research project.This creates research results
with fewer error and better engineered products.

Space Research

Computer and Technology both helping on space research.we could be using algebra software to help
with complex mathmatical derivation or to help verify derived results.It includes the use of space
technology for board spectrum of reseach disciplines and physics.The term includes scientific payloads
everywhere from deep speace to low Earth orbit and is frequently defined to include research in the
upper atmosphere sounding rockets and high alitude baloons.space science and space exploration
involve the study of space research.But it’s all based on computer and computeriest all think and controll
with computer. Technology improved computer and computer improve research and identify easliy.

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